Thursday, April 30, 2009

My New Book "Damaged Goods" is now Available Online just in time for Mother's Day

My new book entitled Damaged Goods is available online at , Amazon & Barnes & in paperback and Amazon Kindle E-book format. It deals with the effects of physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse and how it can cause reoccurring cycles of unhealthy relationships due to the low self-esteem and lack of self-worth created by these emotional scars. The book shares the Love of God and helps women to see themselves from His perspective in order to restore them to the place He designed them to be. Below is a brief synopsis of the book.
Damaged Goods shares revelation that will break the bonds that the enemy has used to hold God's daughters hostage in the chains of abuse, mistreatment, low self-esteem and self-worth. It destroys the patterns of poor choices that have led them from one unhealthy relationship to another, and finally answers the age-old question, "Why can't I find a good man?"
This book pours out the heart of The Father through the heart of a father, so that you will know once and for all what it means to be Daddy's little girl and can be restored from Damaged Goods to the priceless gems He created you to be.